
Hello, I’m Kristina Etter

Freelance Content Creator

Kristina Etter

Where Content Meets Creativity:
Unleash the Power of the Written Word

Kristina Etter – Content Creator

Hello there! I’m Kristina Etter, you can call me Kristi, and I’m more than just a content creator – I’m a storyteller with a rich professional journey that has shaped my unique approach to crafting compelling narratives.

With over two decades of corporate experience, my career has seen me in various IT roles at major corporations like Maytag Appliances, Wells Fargo Financial, and DuPont Pioneer. These roles instilled in me a strong foundation in technology, work ethic, and problem-solving – skills I now seamlessly integrate into my content creation process.

My journey took an exciting turn when I stepped into the cannabis industry. For the past seven years, I’ve been an outspoken advocate and writer in this space. My writing style is a reflection of my commitment to integrity and truth. I stand firm in my belief that quality products and brands should always prioritize consumer safety over profits.

Click the button below to explore my full resume. Let’s connect and explore how my diverse background can elevate your content and storytelling needs.


Publisher  @  CTech Media  /  Jan. 2023 to Present

Oversees the content production and publication at Cannabis Tech. Manages site design, content creation, podcast production, and day-to-day site maintenance and client support. 

Editorial Director  @  CTech Media  /  2020 to 2023

Managed our freelance writers, created content, published content, worked with site vendors to create relevant content, and provided sales and marketing strategy. 

Contributor  @  CTech Media  /  2017 to 2020

Writing custom content based on topic research, expert interviews, or on-site visits to better understand the cannabis industry and the technology that drives it.

Freelance Writer  @  Various Outlets  /  2015 to Present

Outside of Cannabis Tech, I have written for a number of businesses and media outlets, including Business Insider, The Fresh Toast, Leafbuyer, and dozens of client websites and blogs.

Corporate Mobile Technology  /  1996 to 2015

Prior to embarking on my freelance career, I spent nearly two decades working for large, Fortune 500 corporations in the field of mobile technology – including Maytag Appliances, Wells Fargo, and Dupont.


Associate degree in Business Information
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management


Unleash the power of words with content that’s as bold as it is insightful. My writing in the cannabis industry and beyond is a fusion of authenticity, integrity, and a commitment to telling stories that matter.

Digital Design

Elevate your brand’s visual identity with designs that captivate and communicate. From striking graphics to dynamic presentations, I bring creativity and precision to every digital design project, ensuring your message stands out in style.


As a seasoned advocate and enthusiast, I’m here to guide you toward informed, responsible, and enjoyable cannabis consumption, ensuring your experience is both enlightening and safe. Learn about my coaching courses on Thinkific.


I’m on a literary adventure traversing the country, pen in hand, in search of untold stories and undiscovered landscapes. Contact me on this nomadic journey, and we’ll make your brand a part of our story!

Kristina Etter

A seasoned wordsmith with seven years of experience in the cannabis industry. As a passionate advocate for integrity and truth in this space, I craft edgy, unbiased content that resonates and connects, ensuring that your brand’s message stands out in a crowded market.

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